International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME 2023)
May 18th - 19th 2023
The conference Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME) is a meeting of professionals from universities and businesses interested in the theory and applications of decision-making research using informatics, mathematics, business economics and management, and marketing approaches in the practice of SMEs. The outcomes of the conference will be published in a book of abstracts and a conference proceedings submitted to Web of Science or in our partner journals indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus if required by authors. DEMSME 2019 has been indexed in Web of Science. The 2021 edition is still under review process for indexation.
Decisions making processes are at the heart of running a business. But for every potential profit, a possible downside risk is attached. There comes the fear of failure with forced choice. The more important a future decision is, the harder it becomes to decide which way to go. Considering the serious consequences of investing in a new product, taking in a partner, hiring more staff or expanding your operation. Analysing data and seeking input can help. Nevertheless, it may also lead to analysis paralysis. That’s why rational deliberation and faster, more intuitive insights should be used. Doing so via a process with defined steps can lead to better outcomes. Interdisciplinary approach might be useful too.
The main goal of the conference is to support a wider discussion about decision making process from interdisciplinary and cross regional perspective. Every participant has a good chance to exchange experience and get an inspiration for further creative research with colleagues from various countries, universities and different business areas.
The best paper will be awarded ECSB membership for one year.
Subject areas of the conference include:
Customer relationship management (CRM) and its benefits for companies development
Services marketing and its potential in customer care
Brand building
Modern trends in marketing communication
Use of social networks in the marketing development
Content marketing
Offline versus online marketing
The market potential of specific target customer groups
Innovations in marketing
Specifics of marketing in the B2B market
Enterprise and new management approaches
Role of logistics in business processes
Sustainable entrepreneurship and adaptability of enterprises
Business performance measurement and management
Analysis of economic factors affecting decisions made by business firms
Quantitative methods to analyze business enterprises and factors influencing the organizational structures
Business Process Management
Cost controlling in small and medium- sized enterprises
From the theoretical business economics models to their practical applications
Contemporary and future perspectives of family businesses
Deciding of Czech SMEs to enter foreign markets
Innovation management and knowledge management of SMEs
Project management in SMEs
Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
New approaches in deciding on strategy for SME
Datamining and knowledge-based decision making
Artificial intelligence methods for decision making
Agent-based business processes modeling
Multivariate optimization of business processes
Information support for decision making
Computational intelligence
Business intelligence analytics
Computational support of competitive intelligence
Process mining and process discovery
Computability and algorithmic complexity in economics
Optimization and strategies for decision making problems
Methods of Operational Research with applications on the theory of SMEs
Economic Modeling and Econometrics Analysis Application to SMEs
SMEs in a Context of Mathematical Economics
Application of Decision Making Models on SMEs
Uncertainty in Decision-Making Methods for SMEs
Case Studies on Decision Methods for SMEs
Financial Modelling for SMEs
The conference was funded by the project: Development of R&D capacities of the Silesian University in Opava CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014696