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    Decision making for small and medium-sized enterprises
    International Conference of School of Business Administration in Karvina
    at Silesian university in Opava
  • DEMSME 04
    logo inverzni oriznute
    Decision making for small and medium-sized enterprises
    International Conference of School of Business Administration in Karvina
    at Silesian university in Opava
  • DEMSME 08
    logo inverzni oriznute
    Decision making for small and medium-sized enterprises
    International Conference of School of Business Administration in Karvina
    at Silesian university in Opava

Best Paper

After thorough evaluation of all submissions the Scientific and Programme committee of the conference voted for a Best paper award. The award went to dr. Halaška with the paper "The Importance of the Form of Lifecycle Transition on Implementation of RPA". Congratulation.

