- 1250 CZK / EUR 50
The fee includes:
The conference fee includes the possibility of presenting ONE paper at DEMSME 2023 conference and a possibility of having ONE paper published in the book of abstracts and conference proceedings (electronic version) after a successful review process if required by authors, conference materials, coffee breaks, two lunches and one dinner.
Payment information:
Conference fee is 1250 CZK / 50 EUR also for passive participants without paper. Please add these information during payment: Message to remittee: DEMSME, SURNAME, NO PAPER
The conference fee payment must be done separately for each conference participant (do not send the fee for more people in the same payment).
ČSOB, RCB Ostrava, |
Silesian University in Opava,
Participants are responsible for any wire transfer fees from their bank. We are responsible for the fees incurred from our bank, but yours will charge a fee as well. The conference fee is non-refundable.